1. Lay on your side keeping your underside arm out in front of you with knees slightly bent
2. Raise your outside knee while squeezing your glutes
3. Repeat for designated amount of reps
Crab Walks
Beginning with your hands and feet on the ground while sitting on your butt, raise your body off the ground to where you are now on just your hands and feet.
From here, begin to walk forward for the length of your room before switching to backwards, and repeat this for the designated amount of time.
Glute Bridge
Begin by lying on your back with your arms and hands out to your side on the floor for stabilization.
With your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, begin to push through your heels so that your lower half raises up until it is level with your upper body and torso.
Squeeze your glutes, and slowly return back to the starting position and repeat for the designated amount of reps.
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